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Office Location: CPE 4.466
Michael Baldea
Kenneth A. Kobe Professorship in Chemical Engineering
Research Presentation for Prospective Graduate Students
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota (2006)
M.Sc., Interface Process Engineering, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2001)
Diploma, Chemical Engineering, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2000)
Modeling, simulation, optimization and control of process and energy systems
Research in our group addresses theoretical challenges and problems of practical importance in the area of process and energy systems engineering. We rely on concepts from multiple fields – nonlinear systems, control, optimization and numerical methods – to develop new theory, algorithms and software tools. Our work follows three major thrusts: integrated decision-making in the chemical and energy supply chains, monitoring and optimizing process performance, and process integration and intensification. Important applications include i) integrating scheduling and control decisions (with a particular focus on chemical plants that interact with the electric grid and can provide ancillary services), ii) quantifying plant-model mismatch for model-based controllers, iii) process data visualization, iv) equation-oriented process simulation and optimization and, v) design and control of intensified processes such as dividing-wall columns and autothermal reactors. Our research has a strong translational component and we have implemented and validated several of our results on industrial test beds.
Awards & Honors
- AIChE Institute Award for Excellence in Industrial Gases Technology, 2019
- Outstanding Young Researcher Award, Computing and Systems Technology Division of AIChE, 2017
- NSF CAREER Award, 2015-2020
- Moncrief Grand Challenges Faculty Award, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, 2014
Selected Publications
- C. Tsay, R.C. Pattison, M. Baldea, A Dynamic Optimization Approach to Probabilistic Process Design Under Uncertainty, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 56, 8606-8621, 2017
- M. Baldea, T.F. Edgar, B. Stanley, A.A. Kiss, Modular Manufacturing: Status, Challenges and Opportunities, AIChE J., 63(10), 4262-4272, 2017
- S. Wang, J.M. Simkoff, M. Baldea, L.H. Chiang, I. Castillo, R. Bindlish, D.B. Stanley, Autocovariance-based Plant-Model Mismatch Estimation for Linear Model Predictive Control, Syst. Contr. Lett., 104, 5-14, 2017
- R.C. Pattison, C. Tsay, M. Baldea, Pseudo-Transient Models for Multiscale, Multiresolution Simulation and Optimization of Intensified Reaction/Separation/Recycle Processes, Comput. Chem. Eng., 105(4), 161-172, 2017
- R.C. Pattison, C.R. Touretzky, T. Johansson, M. Baldea, I. Harjunkoski, Optimal Process Operations in Fast-Changing Energy Markets: Framework for Scheduling with Low-Order Dynamic Models and an Air Separation Application, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 55, 4562-4584, 2016
- Kumar, M. Baldea, T.F. Edgar, O.A. Ezekoye, Smart Manufacturing Approach for Efficient Operation of Industrial Steam-Methane Reformers, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 54 (16), 4360-4370, 2015