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Isaac Sanchez

Professor Emeritus

William J. (Bill) Murray, Jr. Endowed Chair in Engineering

Department Research Areas

Advanced Materials, Polymers and Nanoengineering
Theory and Simulation

Research Presentation for Prospective Graduate Students

Educational Qualifications

Ph.D., University of Delaware (1969)
NRC/NAS Postdoctoral Research Associate (1969-71)


Statistical thermodynamics of bulk and interfacial phenomena in polymer liquids, solutions and blends; solubility of fluids in polymers; computer simulations of polymer properties.


Our research covers a broad spectrum of problems in polymer science and engineering that has led to molecular theories and models of polymer crystallization, liquid viscosity, polymer solution and blend thermodynamics, liquid surface tensi on, polymer interfacial phenomena, microphase separation in graft and star copolymers, and gas permeation through polymers.

  • A signature of this work is the development of equation-of-state models and corresponding states relations that govern the bulk and surface thermodynamic properties of polymer liquids and solutions. Most recently, we have embarked on a study of the solubility of polymers in water. Our goal is to understand the factors that control polymer solubility and conformation. Ultimately, we would like to establish the role of water in assisting protein folding and unfolding. Computer simulations, both Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics are used in this investigation.

Awards & Honors

  • Fellow of the American Physical Society, 1979
  • U.S. Department of Commerce: Bronze Medal, 1980; Silver Medal, 1983
  • Edward U. Condon Award, National Bureau of Standards, 1983
  • Engineering Foundation Faculty Excellence Award, College of Engineering, UT Austin, 1994
  • Harold A. Morton Distinguished Visiting Professorship, University of Akron, 1995
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) International Research Award, 1996
  • Member, National Academy of Engineering, 1997

Selected Publications

  • “On the Asymptotic Properties of a Hard Sphere Fluid,”  I. C. Sanchez and J. S. Lee, , J. Phys. Chem. B113, 15572-15580, (2009)
  • “Pressure Effects on Polymer Coil-Globule Transitions near an LCST”  D. S. Simmons and I. C. Sanchez, Macromolecules 43, 1571–1574 (2010).
  • “Relaxation Phenomena in Chitosan-Carbon Nanotube Bionanocomposites,” C. Perez, et. al., J Nanostruct. Poly and Nanocomp., 6, 61-67 (2010).
  • Irreversible Anionic Polymerization Kinetics Revisited,” I. C. Sanchez, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res.49, 11890-11895, (2010).
  • “Conductivity Mechanisms in a Composite of Chitosan-Silver Nanoparticles,”  E. Prokhorov, et. al., Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals536, 24-32 (2011)