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Office Location: CPE 3.458
Juan Ruiz
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University (2011)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Universidad Tecnologia Nacional, Argentina (2003)
Courses Taught
ChE 356/384 Optimization: Theory and Practice
ChE 381P Advanced Analysis for Chemical Engineers
Research Goal
Improve the design and operation of complex process systems by developing techniques that combine strong theoretical fundamentals with highly efficient computational methods.
Awards & Honors
- Mark Dennis Karl Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, Carnegie Mellon University (2008)
- Best National Engineering Graduates Award, Argentine National Academy of Engineering (2004)
- Argentine Chemistry Association Award, Argentine Chemistry Association (2004)
Selected Publications
Wang J., Wang J., Liu C. and Ruiz J.P. (2013), Stochastic Unit Commitment with Sub-hourly Dispatch Constraints, Applied Energy Journal, 105, 418-422.
Ruiz, J.P., Wang J. and Liu, C. (2013), Logic-based outer-approximation method for the security constrained unit commitment problem, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution,7(11), 1210-1218.
Ruiz, J.P. and Grossmann, I.E. (2013), Using convex nonlinear relaxations in the global optimization of non-convex Generalized Disjunctive Programs, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 49, 70-84.
Ruiz, J.P. and Grossmann, I.E. (2012), A hierarchy of relaxation for convex Generalized Disjunctive Programs, European Journal of Operational Research, 218:1, 38-47.
Grossmann, I.E. and Ruiz J.P. (2012), Generalized disjunctive programming: A framework for formulation and alternative algorithms for MINLP optimization. In: Lee, J., Leyffer, S. (Eds.), Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming. Series: The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications, 154, 93-115. Springer.
Ruiz J.P., Jagla Jan-H, Grossmann I.E., Meeraus A., Vecchietti A. (2012), Generalized disjunctive programming: Solution Methods. In: Kallrath J. (Ed.), Algebraic Modeling Systems: Modeling and Solving Real World Optimization Problems. Series: Applied Optimization, 104, 57-75. Springer.
Ruiz, J.P. and Grossmann, I.E. (2011), Exploiting vector space properties to strengthen the relaxation of bilinear programs arising in the global optimization of process networks, Optimization Letters, 5, 1-11.
Ruiz, J.P. and Grossmann, I.E. (2011), Using redundancy to strengthen the relaxation for the global optimization of MINLP, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 35:12, 2729-2740.
Ruiz, J.P. and Grossmann, I.E. (2010), Strengthening lower bounds for the global optimization of non-convex Generalized Disjunctive Programs, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 34:6 , 914-930.