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Office Location: CPE 5.118A
Mukul Sharma
W.A. (Tex) Moncrief, Jr. Centennial Endowed Chair in Petroleum Engineering
Educational qualifications
Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, University of Southern California (1985)
M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Southern California (1981)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (1980)
Solid and Fluid Mechanics of Porous Materials, Water / Waste Injection, Surface and Colloid Chemistry, Multi-phase Fluid Flow in Porous Media, Natural Gas Engineering, Geothermal Energy
Awards & Honors
- Member, National Academy of Engineering, 2018
- SPE, Honorary Member, 2018
- SPE John Franklin Carll Award, 2017
- Distinguished Alumnus, USC, 2016
- Distinguished Alumnus, IIT Kanpur, 2016
- Billy and Claude Hocott Distinguished Engineering Research Award, 2010
- Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal, 2009
- SPE Distinguished Member, 2004
- SPE Distinguished Lecturer, 2004
- Lester C. Uren Award, SPE, 2003
- Editorial Review Board, SPE Journal, 1996-2000
- SPE Formation Evaluation Award, 1998
- SPE Formation Evaluation Award, 1998
- Martin Marietta Excellence in Teaching Award, 1996
- Review Chairman, SPE, 1995 - 1996
- Technical Editor, SPE, 1992 - 1995
- Halliburton Foundation, Faculty Excellence Award, 1994
- Associate Editor. The Log Analyst, 1992 - 1995
- Engineering Foundation Faculty Leadership Award, 1987
- Sun E&P Company Centennial Fellowship, 1986 - 1995
- Shell Oil Foundation Faculty Fellowship, 1985 - 1988
- SPWLA Education Foundation Award, 1986
- ARCO Foundation Doctoral Fellowship, 1983-85
- SPE Best PhD student paper, 1983
- Member, Pi Epsilon Tau and Sigma Xi
Selected Publications
- “Quantifying Transient Effects in Altered-stress Refracturing of Vertical Wells,” SPE 119522-PA, SPE Journal, Vol 15, No. 3, pp. 770-782, September 2010, Roussel, N.P. and Sharma, M. M.
- “A Model for Water Injection Into Frac-Packed Wells,” SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol.13, N0. 03, pp. 449-464, June 2010, Suri A.; Sharma, M.M.
- “A New Solution to Restore Productivity of Gas Wells with Condensate and Water Blocks,” SPE 116711-PA, SPE Reservoir Evaluations & Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2 , pp. 323-331, April 2010, Bang, V., Pope, G.A., Sharma, M.M., Baran Jr., J.R., and Ahmadi, M.
- “Entrance Pressure of Oil-Based Mud Into Shale: Effect of Shale, Water Activity, and Mud Properties,” SPE Drilling & Completion, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 39-44, March 2010, Andres M. Oleas, SPE, Collins E. Osuji, Chenevert, M.E., and Sharma, M.M.
- “Fluid Selection for Energized Hydraulic Fractures,” Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 42-49, March 2010, Freihauf K.E.; Sharma, M.M.
- “Method Optimizes Waterflood Projects,” The American Oil & Gas Reporter, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 122-129, February 2010, Chaban, F.R.; Suri, A.; Sharma, M.M.; Gibson G.T.
- “Phase Behavior Study of Hydrocarbon/Water/Methanol Mixtures at Resevoir Conditions,” SPEJ, Vol.xx, No.xx, pp.xx, pending publication, Bang, V.; Pope, G.A.; Sharma, M.M.
- “PEG-Coated Reverse Osmosis Membranes: Desalination Properties and Fouling Resistance,” Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 340, No. 1-2, pp. 92-108, September 2009, Sagle, A.C.; Van Wagner, E.M.; Ju, H.; McCloskey, B.D.; Freeman, B.D.; Sharma, M.M.
- “Effect of Non-Darcy Flow on Well Productivity in a Hydraulically Fractured Gas-Condensate Well,” SPE 103025, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 576-585, August 2009, Mohan, J.; Pope, G.A. Sharma, M.M.
- “Effect of Crossflow Testing Conditions, Including Feed pH and Continuous Feed Filtration, on Commerical Reverse Osmosis Membrane Performance,” Journal of Membrance Science, Vol. 345, pp. 97-109, August 2009, Van Wagner, E.M.; Sagle, A.C.; Sharma, M.M.; Freeman, B.D.
- “PEG-Based Hydrogel Membrane Coatings,” Polymer, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 756-766, January 2009, Sagle, A.C.; Ju, H.; Freeman, B.D.; Sharma, M.M.
- “Factors Controlling the Membrane Efficiency of Shales When Interacting with Water-Based and Oil-Based Muds,” SPE 100735, SPE Drilling & Completion Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 150-158, June 2008, Zhang, J.; Al-Bazali, T.M.; Chenevert, M.E.; Sharma, M.M.