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Office Location: EER 3.612A
Thomas Truskett
Dick Rothwell Endowed Chair in Chemical Engineering
Research Presentation for Prospective Graduate Students
Educational Qualifications
NIH Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco (2001-2002)
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Princeton University (2001)
M.A., Chemical Engineering, Princeton University (1998)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (1996)
Courses Taught
CHE 387K Advanced Thermodynamics
CHE 353 Transport Phenomena
CHE 354 Unit Ops I: Transport Processes
CHE 339P / CHE 384 Introduction to Biological Physics
CHE 253K Applied Statistics
CHE 102 Introduction to Chemical Engineering
CHE 381N Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
CHE 384 Theoretical Methods for Soft Matter
We study how interfaces and confinement impact the properties of molecular liquids and crystals, colloidal and nanoparticle suspensions, protein solutions, and glassy solids. Our recent work focuses on three fundamental areas—self-assembly at the nanoscale, dynamics of confined liquids, and structural arrest of complex fluids—that are important for applications ranging from biomedical imaging to the delivery of therapeutic proteins.
Selected Publications
A full list of Dr. Truskett’s publications is available on his Research Group Website.