Welcome to
the McKetta Department of
Chemical Engineering


Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Program


Awarded in Scholarships


Graduate Chemical Engineering Program


Explore more at the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering

group of students in lab coats holding thank you sign

The scholarships I received at UT represented motivation, validation, and celebration. Each year I was motivated to pursue the highest levels of academic excellence. I worked hard for any scholarship I earned and they served as validation that my efforts were worthwhile and recognized. The financial assistance was cause for celebration for myself and my family. I am incredibly grateful for the generosity exhibited by the donors and their families, and I hope that they know their contributions played a direct role in helping me achieve my academic and professional aspirations.

- Felix Luongo

Make an Impact 

When you make a gift to the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering you provide the opportunities and resources for our faculty and students to pursue cutting-edge research, support our educational mission and help us create an unmatched student experience.

By investing in the department, you are supporting the next generation of chemical engineers and fostering an atmosphere for excellence and discovery.

Make your impact felt today and help us change the world tomorrow.


Emerson partnership

Emerson Partnership Bolsters UT Expertise in Semiconductors and AI


SC27 Antibody

Newly Discovered Antibody Protects Against All COVID-19 Variants


Research Areas

  • Advanced Materials, Polymers & Nanoengineering Advanced Materials, Polymers & Nanoengineering

    Design and synthesis of inorganic and polymeric materials at the molecular level to achieve desirable properties for a wide range of applications

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  • Bioengineering Bioengineering

    Applying chemical engineering principles for the development of biochemical processes and biomedical applications

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  • Energy Energy

    The development of photovoltaics, catalysts for fuels from sunlight, and electrical energy generation and storage systems engineering for energy efficiency

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  • Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering

    Programs to understand the fundamental science and engineering of air and water pollution, and to develop data for informed policy decisions. Process development for CO2 capture and sequestration

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  • Process Engineering Process Engineering

    Design, modeling, optimization, and control of petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and microelectronic processes

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  • Theory & Simulation Theory & Simulation

    The development and application of multiscale models and high performance computational simulations spanning atomic to continuum time and length scales

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Green Fund Grant Energizes Texas ChE Labs

Texas ChE lab students, Green Fund spotlight.

Engineering practices promoting sustainable development–widely defined as development that meets present-day needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs–are gaining traction.

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Emerson Partnership Bolsters UT Expertise in Semiconductors and AI

A rendering (pending approval by Board of Regents) of the future Emerson lab inside the Engineering Discovery Building. Courtesy CO Architects.

A new partnership between industrial technology leader Emerson and The University of Texas at Austin will support advanced research into artificial intelligence, automation, energy, semiconductors and more.

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Long-Term, Multi-Institutional Study on Health Impacts of Los Angeles Wildfires Launched

In an unprecedented collective scientific effort to understand the short- and long-term health impacts of wildfires, researchers from four universities have launched a 10-year study of the Los Angeles fires.

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Biomanufacturing Blasts Off: Collaborative Effort Sends Radiation-Resistant Samples to International Space Station

Engineers from The University of Texas, in collaboration with Rhodium Scientific, America’s first space biotechnology company, launched microorganisms into space.

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