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Undergraduate Research

Undergraduates have the opportunity to work with professors to conduct cutting-edge research and gain hands-on experience by becoming an Undergraduate Research Assistant (URA) as early as their second semester.

If a faculty member invites you to join their lab group, you can choose to obtain course credit for the research experience.  Sometimes undergrad researchers are compensated for their time in the lab. URA assignments are made, or renewed, at the beginning of each semester, and interested undergrads should speak with their professor of interest about available positions.


Many faculty members welcome motivated undergraduate students of all classifications to contribute to their research. Follow these basic steps to get involved in undergraduate research:

  1. Review the research areas within the department.
  2. Identify two to three faculty members whose research interests you.
  3. Request a meeting with the faculty members and include your resume.
  4. Meet with the faculty members and express your interest in their research.
  5. Ask if they have any paid or volunteer research opportunities for undergraduate students.
  6. Follow up your meeting with a brief thank you by email and reiterate your interest in their research.
  7. If a faculty member invites you to join their lab and you would like to obtain course credit, complete the research for credit application posted in the CHE undergrad advising Canvas group.